Stay informed about your injured worker’s status – We’ll ensure you always know the status of your injured employee. We’ll answer all questions promptly and accurately. Each time an employee visits, they receive a signed notice from one of our healthcare providers, which explains their progress, whether they can perform their old job duties, or if they can perform modified duties.
Arrange rapid referrals – While we can effectively treat minor and moderate medical conditions, there are some times where your employee needs the help of a specialist. Xpress ‘Urgent Care near me’ works with a network of preferred partners and receives no financial benefits when making them, which allows us to truly keep your best interests at heart.
Save money – The most expensive place to go in any hospital is the emergency room. Patients pay lower insurance premiums, which in turn means your costs are lowered as well. Our focus on providing efficient, effective care also ensures you save money because of the reduced wait times.